Friday, April 30, 2010

Keeping it Positive

My son likes to sing Christmas Carols, regardless of the time of year.  He likes to read books about holidays way after a holiday is past (Halloween books in April!).  And everytime I see this, it makes me smile.  Not only do I have the benefit of feeling some of those fuzzy feelings that a holiday brings on, but I get the doubled opportunity to laugh at the seemingly silliness of it all.

But staying positive, which I thought was once a part of my nature, is generally more difficult to come by these days.  I came across some materials from a workshop I took at Kripalu a few years back and saw some advice given by the instructor, "Drop in positive thoughts in place of those negative ones!"

What a challenge that has been this week!  I recieved a frantic call from my son's school telling me that he was being brought to the hospital for head injuries.  As I raced to the hospital in a uncommon April rainstorm, I was rear-ended by another car.  While that was all happening, an American friend and colleague had her Israeli visa revoked at the Gaza border and was sent back into Gaza until people and forces at the highest political level could get her released.

The shock, the crazziness of it all, while it does take a lot out of me, it makes me chuckle, and it all reminds me that it is mostly all about the here and now.  There is a heck of a lot of stuff in my life that makes me feel like its not all going in the direction I want it to, but I know very few people who I would like to trade my life with.

I'm just about to start a new job which I've been handpicked for by a supervisor who has the potential to go on the list of best bosses I've ever had.  I've decided to make changes in my living space to take some of the major worries and concerns out of my life that have been pestering me for the past two years.  I've decided to hire a personal trainer at the gym and stop moaning and groaning about my unhappiness with my body.  So I have many things that I should be secure in believing that life is trending positively.  And with everything else, I'll just remind myself that everyday of the year can't be Christmas Day.

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