Sunday, December 31, 2017

What the Year 2017 Taught Me

Somehow, growing up, I came to believe that there was a day when all my life lessons would be learned. I think I finally realized that wasn’t going to happen about a decade ago. And what I do know now is that life teaches me things that I never knew I needed learning. Here are few from 2017:

  1. Escapism is sometimes a good form of self-care.  Most times it’s not.  Learning the difference will bring you more intimate relationships with everyone who matters in your life.
  2. Know who matters in your life.  It’s never too late to rid yourself of those who no longer matter.  Just send them along with compassion.
  3. Everybody needs your compassion.  Repeat:  EVERYBODY needs YOUR compassion.   If you can’t figure out why you’re incapable of feeling compassion for a person, than dig deep, because it’s more about you than the other person. Compassion is not the same as forgiveness.
  4. Forgive your family, again and again and again.  And especially when they can’t seem to forgive you. Love your family.
  5. Life is fleeting, love remains.
  6. The topic of death and one’s more mortality becomes more prevalent as one ages.  Grieve, but never let loss sink you or harden your heart.
  7. A wise heart is a gift. Don’t use it to throw judgment or, as my son’s generation would say, don’t “throw shade” on another person who doesn’t seem to “get it.” We all have our unique path in life.   Stay in your lane, and let your wisdom shine the way forward.
  8. If you don’t know what your lane is, find your purpose.  And don’t let the overwhelming life events take you away from it.  If you do, you’ll find yourself in a deep rabbit hole.  Living your purpose is the only thing that will get you out.  (*Note: If you think your "purpose” is just some self-help, hubabuloo, it’s not!  Google it, find out more.)
  9. Reach out to anybody when you’re in need of an ear, or a hug, or a shoulder to cry on.  About 99.9% of the human population is actually capable of providing one of those things when you ask for it.
  10. No matter how much you think you’ve got this thing called life, each of us is always capable of digging deeper to learn more about ourselves, our blinders, how to love and what will make us happy.  It’s OK to feel that you don’t “got this thing called life” and there’s no need to give those feelings a fancy label. Just feel and see lesson #8.
Wishing you a happy, wise, purposeful and prosperous 2018!

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